Tuition & Fees

Rio Grande Board of Trustees and/or the Rio Grande Community College Board of Trustees reserve(s) the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustments that may become necessary.

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees


Community College

SB135 Metrics

Billing & Financial Aid Timelines


Here to Help

Need more information on fees or paying for college? Contact the Business Office today 

Course Fees (100 and 200 Level Classes)

Special fees for consumable materials, lab supplies, and use of expensive equipment, transportation, or rental of facilities may be charged in addition to tuition for some courses. The cost of student liability insurance, required in certain health technologies, will be included in the course fee. Students should check the information provided in the course listings in Catalog for courses with additional fees.  

Institutional Fee

The Institutional fee defrays the cost of registration, student activities services, and student support services of a non-instructional nature.

Comprehensive Fee

The Comprehensive Fee is used to maintain technology infrastructure, to expand technology-enhanced learning, library and other campus facilities, student services, and athletic facilities.

Payment Due

As a means of providing experience and emphasizing punctuality and responsibility in business affairs, the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College prefer to deal directly with the student rather than their parents. Accordingly, all bills will be addressed to the student.

The payment is due one week prior to the first day of the semester. Payment must be received on or before the due day to avoid late fee. Postmarks will not be reviewed. 

If you are a participant of third party billing (e.g. BVR, CAA, TAA, VA, WIA, Jobs & Family Services or Workforce Development), it is your responsibility to provide documentation to the Business Office. You may fax appropriate documentation to the Business Office 740-245-7171 on or before the stated due day. 

Payment Options

1. Check — mail your check for the Balance Due to the address below. Do not send cash. Please include your ID number on your check or money order.

University of Rio Grande
P.O. Box 500 F-26
Rio Grande, OH 45674

2. Telecheck – By telephone – call the Business Office 740-245-7226 for telecheck, credit/debit card 
(VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). 

3. Credit/Debit Card Online – make a credit/debit card payment by logging into your account at VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express 
are accepted. 

4. In Person at Reardon One-Stop Center, Florence Evens Hall, with cash, check or credit/debit card.

5. Monthly Payment Plan — University of Rio Grande offers and manages a payment plan. It allows students to stretch payments through the semester. An enrollment fee is charged for this option. For more information, please contact Business Office at 1-800-282-7201 or 740-245-7226. Student Installment Payment Plan 

6. Financial Aid may be applied to your account if you have qualified for assistance. If financial aid is less than the Balance Due, you must pay the difference. If financial aid is greater than the Balance Due, you will receive a refund. If you are expecting financial aid and your account do not have an award listed, please contact the Financial Aid Office or 740-245-7218.

Payment Plan Fee

The payment plan fee will be 0.5% of the balance at the time signing up.

Change of Registration (ADD/DROP) Fee

The change registration fee will be charged to student account if the class is added or dropped starting the first day of any semester.

Late Payment Fee

There will be a 1.5% late payment fee after the payment deadline. The fee will be recalculated (on the 
remaining balance) at each billing cycle until the balance is paid off. 

Returned Check Fees

Upon the receipt of a returned check, University of Rio Grande will send the student and/or check owner an email the reason for the return and the amount due. Returned check payments must be made with cash, cashier’s check, credit card, or money order. A personal check will not be accepted.

Returned checks will be charged a service fee. Tuition checks that are returned at the payment deadline will also be charged a late payment fee.

A returned check halt may be placed on the student’s records. The halt cannot be released until payment is made. This halt will affect registration, grades, transcripts, and diplomas from being processed.


  • Tuition and Course Fees - A student will receive no refund as a result of any course dropped after the first five business days of an academic semester, or the first two calendar days of a summer term or any 8 weeks classes.
  • Room & Board – Refund of room & board will follow the withdraw policy.
  • Withdraw - For a student withdrawing (see policy regarding “Withdrawal” in the Catalog) the following refund schedule will be used:
    • First calendar week of any semester.......................................... 100%
    • First - Second day of summer term ……………………………… 100%
    • Second calendar week of any semester .....................................  50%
    • Third and fourth day of summer term ..……………………..……... 50% 

A student withdrawn for disciplinary reasons will receive no refund of any charges.

Important Drop/Withdraw Information

It is your responsibility to drop or withdraw from courses you do not plan to attend. Your classes will NOT be 
automatically dropped for non-attendance. After the drop/add period, you will be responsible for all tuition and 
fees, and add/drop fees. Not reviewing your bill does not eliminate your responsibility to pay. (See also Schedule Changes and Withdrawal Policy in the Academic Programs, Policies, and Services section of this catalog.)

Student ID

When arriving at the Business Office, the student will be required to present a picture ID (e.g. student ID or 
driver’s license). If the student does not have his/her picture ID service will be denied