The CCP Scholarship is granted with a maximum award of $1,000 per academic year.
1. Eligible students must meet the following criteria:
a. Be a graduating, high school senior.
b. Successfully completed a minimum of 12 CCP credits through Rio Grande Community College.
c. Be accepted by the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College.
d. Immediately enroll in the semester following their high school graduation (unless that is summer semester; then the scholarship will begin in the fall semester).
2. Students must be continuously enrolled and attend on a full-time basis.
a. If a student is unable to maintain full-time enrollment due to availability of classes, the scholarship will continue in the next semester that the student is enrolled in full-time hours.
b. If a student breaks their consecutive enrollment, they forfeit the remainder of their eligibility.
3. One-half of the yearly amount will be applied to the student's bill each Fall and Spring semester. If any portion of the scholarship is unused it may be rolled to the Summer semester.
4. Scholarship funds can be applied to Tuition, Institutional Fees, Housing, and Bookstore charges. Scholarship cannot be applied to fines and add/drop fees.
a. This is a "Last Dollar" award and may NOT be refunded to the student.
5. Student must complete the FAFSA each year.
6. Students must meet all Federal Financial Aid eligibility requirements and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards. If the requirements are not met, the scholarship will not be renewed.
7. This scholarship is used for payments towards URG and RGCC tuition. It is not transferable to other institutions.
**Any special considerations will need to be submitted and approved by the Financial Aid Office.