These academic based organizations expand your time in the classroom to help you pursue a variety of goals. Speak to the following advisors about joining today!

American Marketing Association
Rio's American Marketing Association fosters scientific study and research in the field of marketing. Membership is open to students of any major who are interested in marketing.
Advisor: Wesley Thoene
President: Amarissa Kerns
Future Nurses Service Club
The purpose of the Future Nurses Service Club is to encourage, promote, and build a greater understanding of the field of nursing throughout the student body, university, and community. URG Future Nurses Service Club will host meetings, student activities, and community service work. Membership is open to students who aspire to be admitted to or are already enrolled in a nursing program.
Advisor: Michelle Young
Medical Math & Science Club
This is a social group for students interested in careers in STEM or for students interested in the sciences. The group will be of special interest to those students interested in medical school, veterinary school and other professional schools, and to provide a friendly forum for those with interests in math and science. Activities often include scientific exploration.
Advisor: Dana Evans

Psychology Club
The mission of the Psychology Club is to encourage, promote, and build a greater understanding of the field of psychology throughout the student body, University, and community. Psychology Club frequently hosts meetings, student activities, and community service work throughout the academic year. Membership is open to any students with an interest in psychology.
Advisor: Adam Herreid
President: Victoria Wilson
Social Work Student Council
The purpose of the Social Work Student Council is to provide a stimulant to scholastic achievement, become actively involved in voluntary social work, be a voice for the wants and needs of social work majors, and promote fellowship among social work students.
Advisor: Paul Dovyak
University of Rio Grande Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society
The Wildlife Society is a professional organization of wildlife professionals and students interested in conservation. Our organization’s mission is to inspire, empower, and enable wildlife professionals to sustain wildlife populations and habitats through science-based management and conservation. The Wildlife Society enhances our members’ networking and learning opportunities, and professional career development and provides numerous ways for them to get more involved in creating a better future for wildlife and their habitats.
Advisor: Wayne Rossiter

Entrepreneurship Club
The University of Rio Grande’s entrepreneurship club hopes to encourage all students to pursue their goals of operating and running successful businesses and educate students about opportunities related to entrepreneurship and business.
Advisor: Cole Massie
President: Aiden Greene