Sgwrsio-Welsh Language Conversation Group

Dych chi’n byw yn yr UDA neu Canada? Dych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg neu’n siarad yn rhugl? Ymunwch a ni am sgwrs!

Are you learning Welsh? Do you live in the USA or Canada? Join us for our weekly conversation group. The group is open to all abilities if you are already on your learning journey or a native/fluent speaker.

Dydd Mercher (Wednesday) 8pm EST / 7pm CST / 6pm MST /5pm PST ar Zoom

Please note that these sessions are NOT Welsh classes. The Madog Center for Welsh studies does however offer weekly Welsh language classes. Please visit our Welsh language class page for more information.


Am fwy o wybodaeth: / For more information: / +1.740.245.7186